Showing 25–36 of 60 results
Reinstatement of Operating Authority
We will apply to have your Operating Authority reinstated.
Standard Carrier Alpha Code (SCAC)
$169.00The Standard Carrier Alpha Code (SCAC) is a unique two-to-four-letter code used to identify transportation companies. SCACs are used by the transportation industry to identify freight carriers in computer systems and shipping documents such as Bill of Lading, Freight Bill, Packing List, and Purchase Order. They are also used by the American National Standards Institute, Accredited Standards Committee X12, and the United Nations EDIFACT for Electronic Data Interchange computer systems, as well as the Automated Manifest System used by US Customs and Border Protection.
Freight Carriers who participate in the Uniform Intermodal Interchange Agreement (UIIA) are required to maintain a SCAC.
Supervisor Reasonable Suspicion Training
$99.00Employers must provide training to all persons who supervise drivers subject to the drug and alcohol regulations. The purpose of this training is to enable supervisors to determine whether reasonable suspicion exists to require a driver to undergo testing. It must include at least 60 minutes of training on alcohol misuse and 60 minutes of training on controlled substance use (120 minutes total).
Telephone Consultation
$99.00Not sure what you need? We can help you identify your DOT Compliance Requirements with a 30 minute phone call.
UCR (2020)
$139.00UCR is the Unified Carrier Registration Program. The UCR applies to all operators of Commercial Motor Vehicles. This applies to all Commercial Motor Vehicles carriers carrying their own goods and products across state lines. It also includes carriers transporting interstate goods even if your vehicles do not leave the state.
Under the UCR program a “Commercial Motor Vehicle” is and self-propelled or towed (such as a trailer) used on highways that are engaged in interstate travel that:
- Has a gross weight of 10,001 pounds or more
- Is designed to transport 11 or more passengers (including the driver) or;
- Is required to have Hazardous Placarding
Aerodynamic Rubber Knife
$716.72Voluptatum earum omnis quidem ducimus provident repellendus. Iure consequuntur iure nam id libero eligendi.
Enormous Aluminum Knife
$624.58Sint sed inventore vel aliquam animi delectus. Culpa atque officia et eligendi. Molestias qui dolorem et qui. Molestiae doloremque ab soluta.
Intelligent Wooden Computer
$88.96A suscipit repellendus sequi. Eveniet rerum ex sed ut quos aut. Officiis tempora dolore id aut ducimus reiciendis. Est qui dolores officia et ut laborum.
Sleek Leather Bottle
$54.00Harum et ullam alias. Voluptatem placeat quia et illo ipsum. Commodi perspiciatis voluptas eos neque. Rerum repellendus recusandae qui architecto optio nesciunt.